Barry Art Museum to Double its Gallery Space with New Expansion
The “Waitzer Wing” will extend to the south of the existing Museum and encompass three stories of new facilities.
The Barry Art Museum at Old Dominion University will double its gallery space by adding a three-story wing that will include a multiuse event space, a community gallery, an educational laboratory and more. The announcement comes on the fifth anniversary of the museum’s public opening in 2018.
Founded by art collectors Carolyn and Richard Barry, the Barry Art Museum houses a significant collection of contemporary glass, American and Marine paintings and historic dolls and automata. With the gift of the Waitzer Glass Collection in 2022, featuring 165 works of 20th-century and contemporary glass sculpture, the museum collection has expanded beyond the capacity of its current space.
“Embarking on this major expansion within just five years is a testament to the transformative power of art,” said Lewis Webb, Barry Art Museum board president. “Whether you’re a student, faculty member or simply a lover of art within our community, the Barry Art Museum showcases the remarkable achievements born from the fusion of our visionary founders and a thriving University.”